Gentoo gave me a hard time


I tried to install Gentoo on VirtualBox by using Minimal CD. The instruction I found on the web is very clear and easy to follow, but the end result was not I expected. I failed to compile the kernel and it was not able to boot, due to kernel panic.

I tried for the 2nd time by using Live CD on VirtualBox. This time was better. It was able to compile the kernel, but it failed to install Gnome or other extra packages. It was funny that I was not able to select Gnome, Firefox or other packages during the install stage. There is a bug that even you select a package by pressing the enter key (Later, I realized that I should press space bar to select a particular package. Ok…..), it won’t actually be selected, at least in VirtualBox environment. I guess I can install Gentoo on the machine, rather than on VirtualBox. But I found that there was no partition utilities during the partition stage, suddenly, my willingness to install Gentoo declined.

It seems there are lots of processes to install Gentoo and they are not very straight forward either. But if I think about that it is a learning process, I actually feel better. Indeed, I learned a lot during this awkward installation.

5 thoughts on “Gentoo gave me a hard time

  1. Installing Gentoo the first, second, third, and possibly fourth time can be a harrowing experience. There should be some more straight forward installation instructions since I’ve been stuck in the same boat as you a few times.

    One recommendation is to use genkernel and borrow the kernel from the LiveCD. A lot of people want to use the standard build system which, I feel, offers only frustration.

    Another thing to check is that your grub settings are correct. Grub is nice because you can edit the bootup information inside the bootloader to fix any typos without having to grab the LiveCD again. Just make sure to save your changes once you get them right. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Well, I don’t really found it hard to install the second timei tried to install it. The main problem you got when you try to compile your kernel is the fact you need to really know your devices. Most of the time, real specs are not given with your computer when you buy it. Then of course, it’s possible you forgot some required drivers in your kernel…

      If you want to install gentoo, you need to understand what you are doing by typing the given command lines. Then you’ll be able to know which ones are required in order to make another debootstrap and to try to compile your kernel again.

      Honestly, once you pass this bad first experience, gentoo is very good and powerful… and more reliable but that’s my point of view…

  2. Thank you for the advice. I will give it a try.

  3. Maxwell Leonardo


    installing gentoo, at my view point, is all about choices… if u really want to install it u have to be able to choose well, and have to know your hardware(to the kernel thing). Installing gentoo with no choices is pointless, if u want a distro that meet ur system like a glove thas gentoo otherwise… use ubuntu… ๐Ÿ˜›


    Yea, gentoo is guru-friendly, if you want to install it you should know A LOT of OSs, or at least willing to learn. I’m on mi gnome gentoo installation… and I know is a loooong way to know “the basics”.

    Good Luck!

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